We are a passionate and collaborative group of scientists who aim to accelerate the discovery process for sustainable chemistry using emerging technology and high-throughput experimentation. We focus on the development of tools and strategies for efficiently exploring the discovery of catalysts, synthetic routes, and the optimization of reactions.

Congratulations to Reem for an excellent poster presentation at WIPOS 2024!
Congratulations to Reem for an excellent poster presentation at WIPOS 2024!

Reem presented her poster on "Fe and Ni Metallaphotoredox-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Arylation"

Congratulations to Jung-Ying for an amazing poster presentation at WIPOS 2024!
Congratulations to Jung-Ying for an amazing poster presentation at WIPOS 2024!

Jung-Ying presented her poster on "Accelerating the Optimization of Fe Decarboxylation Reactions using Ligation-stability Libraries"

LABz celebrates the holidays with Secret Santa and a potluck!
LABz celebrates the holidays with Secret Santa and a potluck!

The group celebrated Secret Santa with a potluck!

LABz celebrates their newest publications!
LABz celebrates their newest publications!

The group celebrated the newest publications as a team at Paolino Italian Restaurant!