The William B. Dickinson Award is given to an outstanding Chemistry doctoral student by the Laney Graduate School.
LABz took part in a new Organic Super Group meeting. Laura was also an organizer of the group. The room was full and we heard great talks from organic students Sophia and Rachel. We can't wait to continue these meetings!
LABz is thrilled to welcome new undergraduate researchers to the team!
LABz is excited to welcome new students Hannah Ford (College of the Holy Cross), Ernesto López Rodríguez (Havana University), and Andrew Tran (Princeton) to the group!
The Ackerman-Biegasiewicz Lab has moved to the Emory University Department of Chemistry!
2022/2023 Minority Student Fellows Cohort:
Dr. Laura Ackerman-Biegasiewicz, alongside graduate student Reem Nsouli and undergraduate student Gabriella Cerna traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in air quality discussions and to present their collaborative research with the Fini group on Fe mediated capture of volatile organic compounds. Congratulations to Gabriella, who won a poster award for…
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Dr. Venkadesh Balakrishnan will be joining the Ackerman-Biegasiewicz lab to develop high-throughput experimentation methods for earth-abundant metal catalyst discovery. Venkadesh received his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science and Research under the guidance of Dr. Ramesh Rasappan.
Congratulations to Javin Patel on his Unlimited Potential Award Sponsored by IKA and ElectraTect!